About Me


Senior Lecturer, Head of Department, Lalitpur Engineering College
Structural Designer
Email: joshipukar@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshipukar


  • Master’s Degree in Earthquake Engineering (2018-2020), Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering (IoE), Thapathali Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal – Faculty Topper, College Topper, Merit-based scholarship
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering (2013-2017), Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering (IoE), Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur, Nepal – Golden Jubliee Scholar, Merit-based scholarship



  • Pukar Joshi and Rajan Suwal. Effect of Frequency Content of Ground Motion on Low-raised Reinforced Concrete Buildings. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology; Volume 9, Issue 10, May 2020 DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/GCD5A


  • Rajan Suwal and Pukar Joshi, Seismic Vulnerability of Changu Narayan Temple. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, 2021. [Status: Accepted]


  • Senior Lecturer / Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering: Lalitpur Engineering College (2020 – Present)
  • Visiting Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering
    Institute of Engineering, Thapthali Campus (2021 – Present)
  • Lecturer / Deputy Program Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering: Ritz College of Engineering and Management (2019 – 2020)
  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering: Advanced College of Engineering and Management (2017 – 2019)

Subjects Taught

  • Applied Mechanics and Dynamics
  • Theory of Structures I and II
  • Design of Steel and Timber Structures
  • Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering
  • Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures


  • Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
  • Nepal Engineering Council – Civil ‘A’
  • Nepal Engineering Association


  • “Highest scorer in M.Sc. in Earthquake Engineering, 2020” IOE Thapathali Campus.
  • “Highest scorer of 2074 batch among all M.Sc. in all Engineering programs, 2020” IOE Thapathali Campus.
  • “Highest scorer in Bachelor, 2017” Shree Ganesh Multiple Co-operative Ltd.
  • “Golden Jubilee Scholar 2013-14” Embassy of India
  • “Selection in IOE, Pulchowk, 2013” Kathmandu Model Higher Secondary School.
  • “Highest scorer in Higher Secondary Education Board (Plus 2), 2013” Nepal Joshi Society.
  • “Highest scorer in Higher Secondary Education Board (Plus 2), 2013” Shree Ganesh Multiple Co-operative Ltd.
  • “Highest scorer in School Leaving Certificate (SLC), 2011” Shree Ganesh Multiple Co-operative Ltd.
  • “Jehendar Chhatrawriti for HSEB, 2011” FIEUN/ Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd.


  • Served as President of Kathmandu Valley Leo Club 2016/17.
  • Member of United Nation Youth and Student Association Nepal (UNYSAN), 2016.
  • Leo of the Year 2015/16, Kathmandu Valley Leo Club.
  • Leo of the Month – November 2016, Kathmandu Valley Leo Club.
  • Served as Vice-president of Kathmandu Valley Leo Club 2015/16.
  • Member of the Amnesty International, 2015.
  • Volunteered in the World’s Largest Human National Flag of Nepal, 2014.
  • Certificate of Appreciation – “Walkathon and Fund Raising, 2014” Teach for Nepal.
  • Certificate of Appreciation – “Volunteer for Civil Engineering Exhibition cum Competition, 2013” Civil Engineering Students’ Society Nepal, IOE, Pulchowk Campus.
  • Certificate of Reward – “Best Keeper” 4th ACEM Department Futsal Running Shield Championship 2019.
  • Certificate of Reward – “Winning Team” 4th ACEM Department Futsal Running Shield Championship 2019.